(3 miles to Tassel Ridge Winery)

Frisian Farms Cheese House

Producing fresh and smoked farmstead gouda, Frisian Farms is a small dairy farm located in the prairie heartland of southeastern Iowa.  Frisian Farms is owned and operated by two brothers who come from a long line of dairy farmers originating from the Friesland province in Holland.  At Frisian Farms, the brothers understand that great cheese begins with the best quality milk possible. Milking a small number of Holstein cows that are grass fed throughout the spring and summer, maintained in a clean and comfortable freestall barn during the winter months, the fresh milk is immediately piped from the parlor to an adjacent cheese house where traditional Dutch cheese-making techniques are used to produce Frisian Farmstead Gouda.

2098 Fisher Avenue
Leighton, IA 50143


Leighton Processed Meats, Inc.

Located in beautiful Leighton, owner Calvin Groenendyk continues over 70 years of tradition, providing custom processing of beef, pork, and wild game, including buffalo. Open to the public, individually packaged meats are always available for purchase over the counter, in addition to quarters, half/whole beef, and pork. Skinless brats and dried beef are Calvin’s specialties and they are available for purchase at Leighton Processed Meats, Inc. Calvin is past president of the Iowa Meat Processors Association, an organization comprised of beef, pork, wild game, and allied businesses from throughout the state of Iowa whose members supply goods and services to the meat industry. No charge for tours. Hours are Monday–Friday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

227 Otley Street
Leighton, IA 50143