In general, wine can be stored most safely for months at a time in a dark place where the temperature is 55°F. Keep in mind that wine is a living thing and if it is subjected to bright light and wide temperature swings, you probably won’t like the wine when you taste it. I have had to learn this the hard way.

This does NOT mean that you need a refrigerated wine cabinet. A dark corner of a basement will do just fine and it will be even better if it is a room on the outside wall of the basement with a door. Then, the best long term wine storage is a rack that will accommodate bottles laid on their sides. The reason that bottles are laid on their sides is that you want to keep the corks wet. That is not a problem with screw caps.

But, it is convenient to have a couple of bottles in the dining room or kitchen that are ready to drink. Storage conditions are not so important when the bottle is going to sit for no more than a couple of weeks. In fact, you may choose to have some bottles you are particularly proud of on an elegant wine storage stand that becomes part of the decoration of your kitchen or dining room. Keeping these bottles on this wine stand for a couple of weeks will not injure the wine assuming the temperature is a fairly even 70°F.

One place where it is never good to store wine is right above the refrigerator. The reason is that the compressor that keeps the inside of the refrigerator cold pumps hot air up behind the refrigerator so the wine is going to be much too hot.