We can see the light at the end of the tunnel with regards to pruning. We will short prune the Sabrevois at Tassel Ridge and machine prune the La Crescent at Meadowcreek this week. We also will apply the lime-sulfur spray at Tassel Ridge and finish spraying herbicide at Maple Woods and Tassel Ridge. Then, we will start pruning our 17 acres of Edelweiss at Tassel Ridge. That will take the rest of this month. Edelweiss presents special pruning challenges because it is very vigorous. It grows “bull canes” that are not fruitful but they can be 30 feet in length. They thicken up the canopy and shade the fruit and that is not desirable. We will cut off about four rows of Edelweiss right at the ground and then train up the best one or two suckers to create a new, healthier trunk. If you come to the Winery, you will see these vines just to the east of the parking lot.