The weather during the first two days of this week permitted us to continue hand-pruning the vines in the H-braces at the ends of each row. There is only one vine in each H-Brace and it can’t be effectively machine-pruned so we have to hand-prune it. We expect to have two more people back next week so we will start machine-pruning Marquette vines again, weather permitting.
We are planning to plant 450 Foch vines and 200 L’Acadie Blanc vines in June in the northwest corner of Meadowcreek Vineyard. We are getting grow tubes assembled now and will be removing the top wire from the existing trellis because there are numerous trunks from the St. Croix that used to be there that have grown around the existing wire. We need clean top wires in order to machine prune.
We had planned to plant just the Foch in this space but decided to reduce our vine spacing to five feet between vines from eight feet. This will allow us to plant both varieties in this part of the vineyard.