We finally got out into the Maple Woods vineyard on Wednesday to finish pruning LaCrosse and to prune St. Pepin. We are very careful about working in the vineyards when there is any possibility of a storm that might include lightning. The reason is that the wire
Read more →We finished pruning our Foch vines on Monday and then moved to Maple Woods to prune St. Pepin and LaCrosse. While we prune the vines, we remove the suckers and tie up the vines to the trellis. Our Steuben vines will come next…maybe early next week and
Read more →Between the rain drops, we are continuing with fine pruning (done manually) with Brianna, Edelweiss, Verona, and Itasca as priorities. We have lots of Edelweiss so this pruning is going to take some time. We remove the suckers that emerge from the base of the vine at
Read more →Our vineyard crew took advantage of nice weather and made some good progress on pruning. We still have a long way to go, however. Tassel Ridge vineyards currently extend to over 70 acres in four separate locations with 16 different varieties of cold climate grapes. We plant
Read more →We are grateful for the rain we got this week, but it did slow down the pruning. We finished pruning our La Crescent at Meadowcreek and got started on Edelweiss at Tassel Ridge. The Edelweiss will be a long effort because we have about 17 acres. We
Read more →We machine-pruned at Tassel Ridge when it was not raining this week. This will be a long journey because there are a lot of vines to be pruned. We are also going through the vineyard at Tassel Ridge with a “sweeper” which is a tractor-mounted rough brush
Read more →Our vineyard crew started the week by fine-pruning the Brianna at Maple Woods and then shifted to fine pruning all of the small vineyard at Meadowcreek East. They then moved to Brianna at Tassel Ridge and finally the very large Edelweiss planting at Tassel Ridge. Edelweiss at
Read more →A couple of years ago, a visitor to the Winery came up and said something to the effect of, “In the spring, all you talk about is pruning. If you’d just let the vines do their thing and grow where they want, you wouldn’t have to spend
Read more →We finished short-pruning the Sabrevois at Maple Woods Vineyard and got that vineyard mowed. When we mow, we not only cut the grass between the rows of grapes, we also grind up the canes that we have cut off the vines during pruning. This will leave the
Read more →Have you ever wondered how vines that survive Iowa’s warmest winters fail to break bud in the spring when it warmed up? Or, after four days in mid-February with 60–70°F temperatures, these same vines haven’t started to break bud? Of course, since Wednesday had freezing temperatures and
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